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This assignment was a small glimpse of what it would be like in the real world. We were given an existing building - our own classroom where we discuss our designs every week - and a profile to work on.


My profile was that of a chef, engaged in private dining and cooking workshops, who was about to move into the loft with his girlfriend. With every design decision that was made, I had to take the customer's requirements into account. This way of working was new and quite challenging for me. I was allowed to determine and discover the style myself. The space was split into a private area and a public area on the south side for the guests, so that the sun could shine all day long.


The private dining area had to hold 14 people and workshops for 8 people.  The private room; sleeping, bathing and storage, was hidden in the volume to achieve maximum privacy. The living area was organized/placed on the mezzanine, providing an overview

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